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Thursday, November 17, 2011

I stood zero chance of staying awake last night long enough to sort through photos and make a blog post...  this vacation is a lot of hard work, even when it doesn't involve 1,000 km daily treks.

Yesterday we explored Península Valdés and went to Puerto Pirámides to take an excursion with the whales.  It's amazing to think that we are in the same classification as this creature.  The species we saw was the southern right whale.  They take a great interest in the tour boats, sometimes swimming very close to and directly beneath them.  One even came close enough to brush the side of the vessel with his magnificent fluke (tail fin).  Of note is the fact that in the past, whales only gave birth in the gulf before moving along.  After the first commercial whale excursions began, the mothers began staying to raise their calves for several months.  Also pictured is a seagull feeding on a whale.  This is a newer development thought to be caused by gull overpopulation secondary to a rise in the number of open landfills.  This parasite/predator is quite problematic for the whales. 

Last night we stopped at a produce stand after dinner to stock up on snacks. Luiz checked out first and the conversation below is loosely translated to English for Dear Reader's convenience:

Owner: That will be three pesos. Where are you from?
Luiz: I'm from Brazil.
Owner: Oh, then it's six pesos.
Luiz: I meant to say I'm from Paraguay!
Owner: Ok, then only five pesos.

Now it's my turn:

Owner: And where are you from?
Me: Ummm... Argentina!

I received laughter and high fives all around.

Today is my day of rest, being spent at the hostel doing homework.

Lymph, I feel you calling.


Shane said...

Nice Star Trek reference. Now I challenge you to name an entry, "Double dumb ass on you." Only use the Spanish translation.

Brandon said...

Challenge accepted! Stand by...